Focus on environmental impacts in Syndalen shooting and training area

The Defence Forces continues the development of shooting and training areas in a more environment-friendly direction. The aim is to reduce the environmental burden. The Defence Forces’ investments in the environmental project aimed at improving shooting and training areas will amount to EUR 15 million over ten years. Syndalen introduced new explosion, refuelling, and waste collection and sorting areas into use.
The Defence Forces continues its environmental protection project involving shooting and training areas launched in 2019 in accordance with its Environmental Strategy (Puolustusvoimien ympäristöstrategia 2021-2032). The measures concerned are aimed at reducing and preventing the impacts on the environment caused by the Defence Forces’ shooting and training activities.
The development work is based on an environmental risk assessment A sum of EUR 1,5 million per year has been allocated for the project. In conjunction with the environmental projects, measures aimed at improving the training environment will also be carried out.
The target improvements in the Syndalen shooting and training area have been introduced to use
The target improvements carried out in the framework of the Syndalen environmental project were presented on 13 September 2021. In the course of the years 2019-2021, an explosion area, a refuelling site for all-terrain vehicles and helicopters, and a waste collection and sorting site have been built in the shooting and training area.
The explosion area comprises four explosion pits and an explosion field. Soil and groundwater protection structures have been constructed underneath and around all the areas. A water treatment system has been built to manage the rainwater in the area. These measures are aimed at preventing explosive material from infiltrating into the soil, and, in particular, seeping into groundwater.
The refuelling site has been constructed with soil protection preventing fuel from being absorbed into the soil and groundwater in case of an accident.

The waste collection and sorting site makes the sorting and collection of waste more efficient and reduces the amount of mixed waste. The new site makes the sorting of the waste produced during exercises much easier.
The anti-tank weapon shooting place currently situated in the groundwater area will also be transferred to a new spot. In addition to the impacts on groundwater, the transfer will also result in the reduction of noise impacts in the direction of the village of Tvärminne.
Further information: Head of the Environmental Protection Sector, Tytti Martikainen, Defence Forces Logistics Command, tel. (operator): +358 299 800