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Defence Forces Logistics Command Headquarters

The Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command Headquarters is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the FDFLOGCOM’s activities and operational readiness. It maintains the situational picture of the Finnish Defence Forces logistics system.

FDFLOGCOM HQ is also responsible for the FDF’s defence procurements in cooperation with the Joint Systems Centre.

FDFLOGCOM HQ manages the Defence Forces’ partnerships with Finnish companies and nonprofit organizations. FDF’s strategic partners include Insta Group Oy (network defence solutions), Leijona Catering Oy (catering and food services), Millog Oy (systems maintenance provider), Nammo Lapua and Nammo Vihtavuori Oy (munitions production), Patria Aviation Oyj (manufacturing and maintenance of defence systems), Erillisverkot (ICT services) and Puolustuskiinteistöt Oy (Defence Properties Finland).

Nonprofit organizations with partner status include the National Defence Training Association of Finland (Maanpuolustuskoulutus, MPK) and the Soldiers’ Home Association (Sotilaskotiliitto). FDFLOGCOM HQ is located in Tampere.